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About OEMA

Oregon Emergency Management Association (OEMA) is a statewide association of emergency managers, emergency responders, government agencies, private sector and elected officials who are committed to building strong partnerships to minimize the impacts of disasters on the citizens and communities of Oregon.

We provide our over 250 public, private and non-profit members:

  • A network for training, education and preparedness information and professional development.
  • A forum for the sharing of knowledge, ideas, processes and building partnerships
  • A collective and unified voice for emergency management issues in Oregon.

OEMA promotes the efforts of Oregon’s communities to plan for all natural and human caused hazards through improved mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery capabilities. Our members are passionate about their profession and about protecting their communities.


The Oregon Emergency Management Association is committed to minimizing the impact of disasters on communities throughout Oregon.


  • Promote communication by providing a forum for ideas, suggestions, and courses of action
  • Promote emergency management principles and programs
  • Provide training and educational opportunities
  • Provide liaison to partner organizations
  • Influence public policy decisions affecting emergency management
  • Establish and maintain professional standards.


  • Innovation, coordination, and service
  • Commitment and dedication
  • Individual and team professionalism
  • Trust in and respect for others
  • Sharing of time, resources, and knowledge
  • Adherence to public law
  • Customer Focus


The Association promotes the efforts of Oregon's communities to plan for all natural and human caused hazards through improved mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities. OEMA is the professional association for Oregon's emergency management professionals and provides them with:

  • A network for training, education, preparedness information and professional development.
  • A forum for the sharing of knowledge, ideas, processes and building partnerships. It is a collective and unified voice for emergency management issues in Oregon.

Oregon Emergency Management Association | PO Box 7309 Beaverton, OR 97007