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OEMA Membership

Join a community of professionals that bring emergency management, public and private sectors, together to share the same passion - resiliency.

OEMA’s membership includes high ranking officials and students just starting out. It is a great opportunity to network with others in the profession and learn about current and upcoming events. We have influence over legislative efforts, so if you want to learn more or make a difference, now is your chance!

Become a member now

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  • Access to posted job announcements
  • Discount to the annual conference and workshop
  • Committees to help you solve real issues and research best practices
  • Liaisons who can provide you with insight and access to agencies and private sector
  • Legislative updates with resiliency positions to share with your leaders and partners
  • Continuing education and certification assistance to stay on the cutting edge
  • Networking for best practices for you, your leadership, and partners
  • Situational awareness and access to collaboration best practices
  • Ability to be on the Executive Board or Committee Chair



The membership year is June 30 – July 1. When joining, dues will be pro-rated. Full amount will be due July 1 of each year.



Delegate Member

Delegate membership is available to any person with emergency management responsibilities or interests.

Delegate members have all privileges of the Association, including the right to vote, hold any elected office, serve on or chair any committee, serve as a liaison or Association representative, participate in meetings and discussions, and receive all Association communications.

Affiliate Member

Affiliate membership is available to any private sector or non-governmental organization that provides products, services, or other resources that support emergency management programs, activities, or personnel. Intended for groups of three or more from one organization, the membership belongs to the organization paying the dues.

An Affiliate member may designate one person to represent the Affiliate organization/party at conferences, meetings, or other Association activities. The designated representative of the Affiliate may vote on behalf of the Affiliate member, serve on or chair a committee, and receive all Association communications, but cannot hold the office of President, Vice President,Secretary, or Treasurer, or serve as an Association representative or liaison.

All members or employees of an Affiliate Member organization will be able to register for OEMA activities under the member rate.


Student membership is available to any student with emergency management interests attending a post-secondary institution in a full time or part-time capacity who is not also employed in a full-time emergency management position.

Student members may participate in meetings and discussions and serve as members of committees but cannot vote or hold an elected office or chair a committee. Student members can also serve as a liaison and have the right to receive all Association communications.

Lifetime Member

Life membership may be awarded to any member of the organization who has been an active and contributing member and who is leaving his/her sponsoring organization due to retirement or career change. Life membership must be approved by the Executive Board.

Oregon Emergency Management Association | PO Box 7309 Beaverton, OR 97007